1. Do you shop at Justice (clothing store for girls)?
Yes (skip to question 3) No
2. If no, Why?
Never heard of it
Don’t have anyone to shop for
Don’t like their merchandise
Thank you for your time! Have a great day.
3. When you shop at Justice, Do you end up buying more for what you first came in for?
Yes No
4. What is your preference buying a complete outfit or incomplete?
Complete Incomplete
5. Do you have a hard time putting an outfit together?
Yes No
6. Are shoes important to complete your outfit?
Yes No
7. Do you spend enough time (around 15min) in the shoe area?
Yes No
8. When selecting shoes do you prefer being helped by a sales representative or on your own?
Helped Yourself
9. When you approach the register, do you have a complete outfit to buy?
Yes No
10. When shopping at Justice do you go with enough time to shop or you are in a rush?
Enough time Rush
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